Our list of unusual baby names consists of carefully selected names of several origins and interesting meanings. We aim at making your decision easier by giving you accurate and decisive information.
Looking for the most suitable name for your new baby is a serious task. That doesn’t mean it can’t also be fun.
But it can become overwhelming and confusing because of the numerous choices and categories of names out there.
We are here to help you make a perfect choice.
If you want to avoid picking a name of a family member, such as the persistent grandfather, then we can provide some interesting ideas.
You may also want to avoid your own child’s criticism. If, for example, you pick a very common name or a name that may be trendy now, you should try and imagine how will it sound in 19 years.
So, why not take a plunge into the enchanting, mysterious and interesting pool of the unusual names.
Unusual names are rare and sometimes may sound strange. Actually, there are many unusual names that sound fantastic as soon as you get used to them.
There are thousands of names that are unusual, not because they are not beautiful, but just because people simply don’t know they exist.
These may be names from another country or culture.
Many of these names sound appealing and they have a strong and captivating meaning.
Unusual baby names for boys